Popular apostle says giving has nothing about being rich

Popular Giyani servant of God apostle K.S Maswanganyi says that giving has nothing about being rich. The popular leader of the Crossover Healing and Propheic Ministries at Makosha village whose real names are Khazamula Simon Maswanganyi has touched many lives with his philanthropic act.

Apostle shows man of God how to give

Each month he gives R10 000 worth of food parcels to needy people. He also spends more money renovating people’s homes and also installing DSTV decoders to people who are in need but do not have the money. Crossover is a popular church in Giyani and holds packed services on Wednesday and Sundays. On each Friday of every month end, the church holds all-night prayers. The apostle talks well of giving.

“The KS Maswanganyi Projects and Bursaries is a project inside the church registered as a nongovernmental organisation. The giving reflects God’s life through his servants,” he said. He aims to expand the projects and give many bursaries to students.

He said God told him in a dream at the age of 15. “I waited for God to give me something in order to give back to society. There are people who give and I use my authority to take what they give and give back to the community,” he said. He said Christianity must be practical and servants of God must be seen to be giving. He said there are people with too much who are not giving.

The 33 year old apostle is receiving visitors from even outside South Africa who come for his prophecies and miraculous healing. Born in Mashau in 1983, he was born again in Valdesia under Pastor Peter Nengwekhulu. During prophetic sessions his supporters go on frenzy when he starts picking out people and telling them challenges in their lives. On Sunday he called a woman from Xikukwana village and asked her to call her husband. He came and he told him she had a spiritual husband. Then the woman started to manifest and demons started talking and said the pastor was disturbing them. After he prayed for the woman, she said she did not know what happened and what she said.

There were shouts of: “You are too much,” when the apostle was prophesying. After giving food parcels that included fish oil, meal mealie and a crate of eggs, he said that act has nothing about advertising his church. He said even those not attending his church must come and get food parcels. This is one of the fastest growing churches in Limpopo.

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