Manavela Primary school hailed
Traditional leader urges teachers to support vision
The Village Voice
Manavela Primary school principal KG Makaukau has received thumbs up from the local traditional leadership.
Speaking at the Manavela school award giving ceremony Hasani Daniel Ngobeni urged teachers to support the principal’s vision.
Ngobeni said learners from the school are doing well at Nkatini High and they contributed to Nkatini recently being crowned the top school in their circuit results wise.
” I am talking about your track record, you are doing well,” said Ngobeni to acclaims. Presenting awards, the principals seemed to have rapport with her learners. Some learners who performed below their previous positions cried when she asked them why they were outdone by their class mates.

A learner who got position 7 dropping from position 2 cried when Makaukau asked what happened. She blames her mother and tearfully said her mother bought her an expensive phone that distracted her since she was concentrating on social media.
School governing body chairman Robert Mathebula expressed appreciation that so many people came to support the school which is a Quintile 2 school base in Roadhouse village. Mr Judas Maluleke, who is an English teacher at the school gave motivational speech.
The chairperson of the merit award committee Mr Makamu said such events will be held regularly to motivate the learners.

A former learner at the school who is now doing grade 11 at EPP Mhinga motivated girl children at the school and gave them sanitary pads. At the event, 80 learners, ranging from grade R to grade 7 were given awards.