Mobbie writes Limpopo’s volleyball history after leading charges to national championships

It is all in the family and to do with passion,says coach of South African national Under 14 girls volley ball champs

The Village Voice

Limpopo volleyball coach George Mobbie who led the Limpopo Girls Under 14 Volleyball team to be champions at the 2022 National Schools Winter Games Champions held in Cape Town says sports are in the family’s veins and he also has passion.

History making Limpopo volleyball coach George Mobbie

The games were held at the Belhar Sports Centre on July 4-6 and the Limpopo Girls brought the bacon home under this astute coach. Mobbie is the uncle of Bafana Bafana defender Nyiko Mobbie and his own son Letelo is a defender for crack Thohoyandou based team FC Basel.

History making Limpopo volleyball coach George Mobbie

“I have passion for volleyball. I am involved in the sports in different levels. Apart from running the Hlengani Primary school team where o teach, I also run the community team,” he said adding that he has also trained 30 coaches who are also doing well in their own right. At the tournament, the Limpopo girls won all their games. They first beat North West 2-1, Gauteng 2-0, Eastern Cape 2-1, and reached the semis by beating Northern Cape 2-0. They booked their place in the final after beating Mpumalanga 2-1 in the semi finals and were crowned champs after beating KwaZulu Natal in the finals 2-1. In so doing, the Limpopo girls received a trophy and gold medals, the first for Limpopo. Another feather in their cap, their captain Olly Makhubele also received a trophy after she was voted the best setter of the tournament. In an interview with The Village Voice, Mobbie said he was elated. “Although this is history for Limpopo, I am also happy because I have selected the girls from different districts and they have done Limpopo proud.”
He said he received support from the administrators of the game in the province, namely Koketso Leso and Kemme Otsweleng. The holder of the World Paravolley Level 1 Diploma, he can coach anywhere including coaching the handicapped. He says sports is something in the family. “Looking at it this way, I am based at Hlengani village under Hosi Xikundu but I have succeeded nationally. My brother’s son Nyiko is in Bafana Bafana. My elder brother Patrick also played for various amateur team and in his time if opportunities were open like today, he would have played for top soccer teams in the country, ” he said. His success on the national front is the talk of everyone in Limpopo particularly in Malamulele.

From left to right: Mobbie George(Head Coach) Olly Makhubele (captain)Patricia Ledwaba(Team Manager) Thabo Malokomme(Assistant Coach)

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