Young people told to create own jobs

Lombard village workshop hailed

The Village Voice

David Nwamba from the department of social development community services section made a plea to young people at Lombard Village to create jobs for themselves rather than waiting for the government to employ them.

Lombard youths and community leaders who made presentations in the entrepreneurship workshop at Lombard Village under Hosi M'tititi
Lombard youths and community leaders who made presentations in the entrepreneurship workshop at Lombard Village under Hosi M’tititi

In the workshop held at Lombard AFM church on Tuesday, Nwamba urged young people to be creating and decide on what they can do to make a living and request funding for such projects.

“Jobs are scarce but if there is something you can do, you can make a business plan and apply for funding and you can end up making a good living,” he said in the event hosted by the Lombard Development Forum.

The department of social development reached out to the village youths as part of service delivery to communities.

Journalist Benson Ntlemo addressing the youth event

The department was joined by the National Youth Development Agency and U Belong  who both made presentations on options open to the youth.

The chairperson of the Lombard Development Forum TH Mashaba said this was a significant event in that it was the first time in the history of the villages that it has hosted a government department and other institutions in a meeting with a development agenda.

Mthandeki Calvin Makhunga from U Belong making a presentation at the youth event at Lombard Village

“As the forum we feel encouraged because it seem we are on course to develop out village,” he said and urged young people in the village to make use of opportunities coming their way.

The forum has already registered two cooperatives for the local community, one for the youth and another for women.

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