We were part of the project to make sure she succeeds, says family of Limpopo’s top learner
Crack learner to do Actuarial Science at the University of Cape Town

Benson Ntlemo
Limpopo’s crack learner Pearl Khosa, of PP Hlungwani High School in Greenfarm Village who is not only the toast of her community and her school but the toast of South Africa, is wallowing in glory following her stunning success.
Her family celebrated her success, but was part of the project to succeed.
“When I received a call from the deputy principal of PP Hlungwani, Thomas Mutende that the Department of Basic Education wanted to talk to us, we knew it was about good news, we knew my girl had made it, “said the girl’s father Bumani Khosa.
He said the family was part of making sure the lass brought the bacon home.
He said at home it started after Makungu Khosa who is the daughter of Pearl’s uncle got two distinctions. She was successful but could not go to the provincial event to announce the results.
He said as a family that is fond of education, they implored Pearl to go one better.
“We are a big family as my father has ten boys and we built our houses in the same area,.” He said.

Khosa said when they were sitting to appreciate Makungu’s success, they become more ambitious.
“We asked Pearl who was doing grade 8 to make sure she works hard so that she is one of the people invited to the national awards,” he said.
He said they made a statement to her that they wanted to dine with Minister Angie Motshega and she must make it possible.
“She just shyly said she is not sure if she would make it but she would try, “said Chose.
This must have injected a sense of enthusiasm to the girl because there after the girl organized a group of fellow learners and went to school principal MR Khosa to say they did no want to be regarded as grade 8 learners but as the Class of 2020.
Khosa then realised he had a gem and the school embraced the project to make sure the Class of 2020 makes the school shine.
Bumani Khosa said: “From that time we worked in unison with the school. The school teachers wanted to monitor her even after school and they also wanted us to satisfy all her needs and we were up to the task.”
This later paid off.
The bubbly girl became the only learner from Limpopo at the event in Johannesburg hosted by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshega as she was included in South Africa’s Top 30.
Pearl Khosa, 17, of Shibangwa Village adjacent to Greenfarm where the school is based got distinctions in all seven subjects.
She got 100% in Physical Science, 99% in accounting, 96% in Mathematics, 94% in Life Orientation, 92% in Life Science, 85 % in Xitsonga and 83% in English.
She was later invited to the provincial event where she received an award from Limpopo education MEC Polly Boshielo.
At the national event Pearl received a bronze medal for being the third best in the country amongst the quintile 1 schools.
In Limpopo MEC Boshielo gave her a special award as the province’s best learner in the quintile 1 schools in the province and the 6th best learner in the 2020 results in the province.
Said her father: “We are very proud of her. She has put Shibangwa village on the map, and Greenfarm village where the school is based. She has also put the name of PP Hlungwani high school on the map by being invited to the national event.”
He said when schools closed down because of the lockdown, she was donated laptop. That enabled her to study online.
When Pearl came back from the provincial event, the family had organised dinner in her honour attended by school teachers, family members and neighbours.
Pearl who has applied to do Actuarial Science thanked everyone including her neighbours for her success. “My school teachers and my fellow learners were superb,” she said.
Not to be left behind, her municipality Collins Chabane Local Municipality also got on board and organized dinner for her and other successful learners identified by districts.
At the event mayor Moses Maluleke announced that the municipality was giving the girl a full bursary.
She was also provided with a laptop and a printer by the municipality while mayor pledged to finance her trip to the university from his own pocket.
Pearl is going to the University of Cape Town to do Actuarial Science.