Bicycles not meant for uncles, warns deputy minister of transport Ms. Sindisiwe Chikunga
Learners from Hlalukweni and Shirilele high schools receive bicycles
The Village Voice
Deputy Minister of transport Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga has warned learners who received bicycles as part of the Shova Kalula programme not to give the bicycles to their uncles since the bicycles are meant to assist them with their transport challenges.

Speaking at the Worship Tabernacle Church at Mavambe on Saturday during the handing over of bicycles to learners from Hlalukweni and Shirilele high schools, Chikunga said the bicycles are meant for learners who walk more than 3km to school.
“The programme has provided to solution to many learners in the country since 2001,”he said.
He added: “The bicycles are meant for them and not their uncles. They must also go in groups for their safety and they are urged not to drive alone.”

Chikunga was accompanied by Vhembe district municipality executive mayor Dowelani Nenguda as well as Collins Chabane Local Municipality mayor Gezane Shadrack Maluleke.
This is part of the national department of transport’s contribution to the back to school campaign.
According to the deputy minister so far 10 000 bicycles have been distributed to learners from disadvantaged areas so far.
She said the goal of the department was to provide a fleet of 1-million bicycles to learners countrywide who walk a distance of 3km to school.
This year’s programme was kick started at the Collins Chabane Local municipality with the giving of bicycles to learners at both Hlalukweni and Shirilele high schools.
“The department has planned to allocate 1400 for the Limpopo Province for the 2023/24 financial year, “said the deputy minister.
Local traditional leader Hosi Patrick Mavambe thanked the government for having visited his area to assist pupils.

Hosi Bohani Shigamani, Collins Chabane branch secretary of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa said the initiative will motivate many learners in rural areas.
Learners were also given helmets and reflectors