Good send off for hosi Magona’s mum

Benson Ntlemo

The late granny Sellinah Nxumalo

Granny Sellinah Nxumalo, who was the mother of the reigning hosi Magona, real names Busa Nxumalo was given a decent funeral when he funeral service at the new Collins Chabane community hall was attended by the pillars of the ruling cclass. The granny who was married to the late SDW Nxumalo died on May 9 aged 72.

In her funeral service yesterday, deputy minister for finance David Masondo who represented the ANC called on people not to be disappointed in the ANC because of the serious divisions that have emerged in the aftermath of the step aside rule. “Every family has its issues and we as the ANC have ours and we are going to renew ourselves,” he said. He talked about the formation of the ANC and said it has fought for the rights of black people. “Do not abandon us because of the problems of disunity that you see because they will pass,” he said.

Masondo who was accompanied by police and safety deputy minister Cassel Mathale and Limpopo public works and roads MEC Dickson Masemola paid tribute to the late granny. He said as a school principal she contributed a lot to nation building. Other dignitaries included hosi Aaron Mahumani, the secretary of Contralesa in Limpopo, Vhembe district Contralesa chair Dr Gulukhulu Mathebula as well as the secretary of Contralesa in Collins Chabane.

From left to right: Collins Chabane mayor Moses Maluleke, deputy minister David Masondo, MEC Namane Masemola Dr Gulukhulu Mathebula, deputy minister Cassel Mathale and hosi Shigamani

The granny was laid to rest at Shitlhelani cemetery at night before the funeral service. Hosi Magona praised his mother and hailed her as a community builder. He said she was an ardent ANC supporter and called on the mourners to vote ANC in the upcoming local government elections in her honour.

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