Call for help for 2 year old victim of gender based violence

My granddaughter feels pain

Kukwetsima Mabasa, 2, burnt on the face when the house she was sleeping in caught fire

The Village Voice

Although she has been discharged from hospital following the ordeal when a heartless man allegedly doused the house in which she was sleeping with other people, Kukwetsima Mabasa, 2, still feels the pain and often cries.

Two year old Kukwetsima was burnt when the hut she, her mother and four others were sleeping in. She still feels the pain despite discharge from hospital. She is with her grand mother Sophy Lubisi

She is also afraid of people and when this journo tried to take her pictures while she was in the arms of her grand mother Sophy Lubisi, she was looking away and she seemed to be afraid of people.

Kukwetsima’s mother Hlayiseko Precious Mabasa, known as Faneko was buried today after she succumbed to injuries.

Twenty nine year old Edward Chauke, who is known as her ex, has appeared at Malamulele magistrate’s court facing three counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder in connection with the same case.

The incident happened on December 11 when Chauke allegedly doused the hut in which six people were sleeping with a liquid believed to be petrol and set it alight.

Three people, including Kukwetsima mother died, two still in hospital while Kukwetsima is the only one discharged.

Lubisi says she is feeling for the poor child.

“She is always in pain and after she was discharged from hospital, although she has some medicines, she feels the pain and perhaps she needed surgeries which I cannot afford because no one is working in the family, “she said.

Local Community leader Rufus Mashele said he was calling on any Good Samaritan to come forward and assist the child.

Another leader, who is attached to the family Richard Mathebula, said something needed to be done because with her injuries she is subjected to too much heat while the family has no electric fan.

“There is no one working in the family and we appeal to any South African touched by the plight of the child to come forward, “said Mathebula.

Those who wish to assist may contact the grand mother, Mashele or Mathebula.

Their numbers are as follows: Mathebula Richard:  0711463000

Mrs Sophy Lubisi: 063149859

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