Vho Thovhele Gole Mphaphuli said that “public representatives should stop spending more time sitting in their offices and start working with community members to address their service delivery issues.”

“The priority in the community of Duvhuledza is the road infrastructure. The community also needs water reticulation on the new sites, and there’s also a high level of youth unemployment in the entire community of Duvhuledza. ” Said Vho Thovhele Gole Mphaphuli
Member of Duvhuledza Civic Organization, Mr. Maluta Nekhwalivhe said that ” the village needs a tarred road because ambulances are traveling with patients on bumpy road, disabled people with wheelchairs are also having difficulties to move around. He further requested that RDP houses should be distributed fairly to everyone.”
The Executive Mayor, Cllr. Freda Nkondo indicated that “she acknowledges the high level of unemployment in the area, and the NYDA is available to assist young people in skills development.”
“The district municipality has an agricultural sector to assist those who are interested in the agricultural activities. The road infrastructure development will be handled through the relevant channels, and there will be immediate water projects aimed at responding to water challenges, and I commit to monitor all matters raised at this Mayoral Imbizo. “said the Executive Mayor,Cllr Freda Nkondo.