Community optimistic Vhembe District Municipality visit will bear fruit

Councillor Miyelani Chauke talking at the imbizo and next to him is Hosi M’tititi

The community of Mtititi bordering the world renowned Kruger National Park is optimistic that their presentations to the management of the Vhembe District Municipality will bear fruit. The management of the the municipality, led the councillor Mushoni Tshifhango, who represented mayor Dowelani Nenguda and councillor Miyelani Chauke, who head technical services visited the community led by Hosi Yingwani Chauke to listen to the service delivery concerns of the community.

Local leader Phineas Bilankulu who made a presentation on behalf of the community said he was convinced that something will come out of the meeting . He said he had hope on Chauke as a young energetic person that he will be able to do something about the water challenges in the community. On top of the many challenges faced by the community is the problem of water.

Bilankulu said for the last ten years people in all the areas under M’tititi rely on buying water. Two villages M’tititi town and Muhunguti have no primary school and primary school kids travel on foot for more than 7km to the neighbouring Jilongo village for schooling while older learners from the same village travel on scholar transport to Jilongo high school. The community demanded a dam at Altein and the revival of two dams at Lombard as we as a tar road from Fumani Gold Mine to M’tititi tribal authority.

Tshifhango said he understood the concerns of the people especially as far as it concerned water because water is life. He pledged to come back with a progress report. He said those problems that were not the competence of the district municipality would be referred to their respective places.As far as the demand for a primary school at M’tititi town us concerned, he said the matter would be referred to the education MEC Polly Boshielo.

Vhembe mayoral committee led by councillor Tshifhango and with Hosi M’tititi

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